Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Well August just seamed to fly

September already . 
 Boy August sure seem to go by fast . And talking with folks they have the same observance with summer.
 It was filled with 50th anniversary celebrations and birthday celebrations . 
 I even managed to take in an art class . 

My small garden has been producing well, I've been doing up tomatoes and cucumbers to enjoy this winter.

      I did get some sewing done making more of the leaves as mug rugs and working on a quilt to use for a raffle quilt.

 The art class was fun, we worked on portraits from looking in a mirror then funky portraits and then a day of drawing without straight lines. I really enjoyed the portrait portion of the class as well as the Funky portrait part of the class. A interesting note about the class was that it was teenager class that had a few extra spots to be filled sew they asked a few adults to part of the class.  To  be a kid again. 

 Now it's time to try and get caught up on a few of my quilting projects and share them with you. Getting caught up with the block of the month with quilt doodle designs. Check her out, she has one going every year. I've done a few sew far. yesterday I made up a couple jelly roll rugs and a couple scrappy bases for my pumpkin mug rugs for the kids at Halloween. I will make more leaves as I think they are fun and I'm also thinking of making a bunting with some to decorate. I have been having some issues with my computers. Sew my next challenge is to add some photos with this post. Sew thank you for checking in on me and my musings. 

In stitches Annette
Sorry, no photos this time

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Leaves and Pumkins


Working away on leaf and pumpkin mug rugs. These will be some of my treats at Halloween. They were a big hit last year. Sew starting early as I hope not to run out. There has been smoke in the air,sew staying inside sewing. It's a great ways to use up those bits and pieces in your sewing space.
Working in the pumpkin patch

This month I'm participating in a post card swap. The theme is Military Veterans. My card is on it's way to England.

September is around the corner, which mean school preparation  is starting as well. A friend's son has been raising funds to buy some basic back to school supplies. To help out I have been sewing zippered pouches. I have gotten some zippered from other sewing friends to go with some of the fabric her mom supplied. What a great idea he had. Sew happy to lend a hand.

All zipped up.

I have been keeping up with the garden sew far. It looks like dill pickles will be in my future.

Well I should get back to my pumpkin patch, sewing that is.

Stay well,and sew on.

In Stitches


Friday, August 9, 2024

A trip to the library

 After ordering on line I was able to pick up a number of books and DVD's to enjoy this summer. It has been a great resource and I found you can even renew your items on line too! 

A small selection from your library

cotton canvas

I have been working with artist canvases and have found two types sew far. I have been working on a basic thin canvas and have now found a cotton one. I'm looking forward to testing it out. Playtime awaits! 

I have been sewing up some pencil cases for a friend. Her son  has been making interesting crayons by recycling old crayons, he then sells these and using the funds he has raised he them fills the pencil cases for kids who may need a little help getting their school supplies. Sew with school only weeks away..... I know it's still summer....I thought I should get to work. A few here and a few there and I should get the supplies she left worked up.

Must get back to sewing.

In stitches


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Still stitching

 Yes, I'm still stitching on the card trick quilt  for Betty.  Just finishing off the bindings and then make the label and then it will be complete. it'll be nice to get it to her family.

Here is the other zippered pouch that I made up. It was fun putting it together from my leftover fabrics on hand. And a fun lace trim I picked up at a garage sale. I have been making English paper pieced hexies off and on,putting them into an old glass cookie jar. Sew it is fun to find ways to play with them.

I also made a post card for this months challenge of weaving. I made curvy strips and wove them together. Then I did some machine embroidery to accent the weaving. I then drew out a leaf on tracing paper and then made a little sandwich of fabric and batting. I free motioned stitched it and then colored it with Inktense pencils and the trimmed it. I added it to the postcard by stitching down the center vein of the leaf.  I enjoy these challenges as they get you thinking about different ways to create.

Take care out there.

Iced Chi ...yum

In Stitches


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Working away

 Well I had a oops, I washed my jelly roll rug in the washing machine on the regular cycle. I usually wash it in the tub by hand with a scrub brush.  The scrubbing must have weaken the thread and when I took it out of the machine it looked more like spaghetti.  I sorted it out and laid it out to dry.  Then I had to decide how to tackle the repair. I started from the outside few rounds then some inner rounds. Going in this fashion I was able to make it whole again. Happy to say the rug is back in use.

I have been playing with the Inktense pencils and made the sunflowers leaves for this little zippered bag. It was the second one I made at this time . The other one was pieced and hand embroidered. I submitted it into a challenge hosted by Quilting Arts. Sew I will wait to share that one with you. 

I did get busy with my friends quilt. Backing done, quilting done. Binding in progress. I'm sew happy to help the family get this completed. You hear of sew many quilts and quilt tops that get abandoned just because the family does not know what to do with them.

My little garden is growing nicely. Fresh veggies are always great. I have made some jams, pickles and relish already. Looking forward to making more.

Have a great day.

In Stitches


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A busy time of year

Well July is coming to a close..... today.

Wow it went by fast. I was part of an artisan trial, been Saskatoon berry picking , fishing and camping, Checked out the car show and worked at a pie and coffee sale ( making 4 pies for this). The other day I was making beet pickles and relish , now I have reddish hands. The cucumbers are starting and are very tasty in a sandwich. Oh I can't forget the beet rolls/ nicks ( bread dough in a beet leaf and baked for a side dish with cream and dill).

I have signed up for a adult art class in August. We will be doing some abstract art I believe. I like to try different mediums and styles and see where I can take it into my work with fiber. And of course it is fun just to get together with others for some playtime.

I have a few projects to wrap up down here in my creative space One is a quilt for a dear friend who passed away before finishing it. She was sew close to having the blocks all done. well blocks are done and the top is put together. now to piece the backing and sandwich it sew that I can do the quilting. 

I seam to have traditional projects and art projects going on all the time. I hope to find more time to explore art quilting and the different mediums that you can blend together.

Well it's back to playing in my space and getting that quilt done.

Take care

In Stitches


Friday, June 28, 2024

New editor in my favorite magazine

Hello everybody,

I just want to say that there is a new editor at Quilting Arts. Vivika Hansen Denegre has retired,  I think she will enjoy having a little more time in her studio. Brandy Maslowski aka Quilter on fire, is the new consulting editor. I want to wish them both well in  their new endeavors. Congratulations ladies!

 This has been one of my favourite magazines for some time  now. I hope if you have not read a copy of one yet, pick up a copy and I'm sure housing be disappointed. I still have every copy I have bought. There are a great resource for  playtime with fabric.

On another note.....
We have been gettingn g to the lake on weekends and doing a little fishing. While this past weekend we finally caught a couple. :-)

I did get a wee bit of sewing done and here's another tote for the trail.

Well that's all for now.
If your from Canada, happy a happy Canada Day weekend! 
In stitches