To the Prairies and to my little corner of the world.
We are have a good touch of winter here in the prairies, snow , wind and sometimes a little rain.
Must be why I enjoy quilting sew much.
I am trying to think how should I introduce myself to those of you who have not been here before.
I am a gal that just love to play with fabric and my machines. I love to use patterns by other designers as well as designing myself. I have made up a few patterns that I use when teaching classes. I will be teaching a few classes this winter, to help keep the chills away on those cold winter nights.
A couple of my patterns |
I have participated in the McCall's Quilt Design Star 2012 , which I did make it to the finials with the help of all of you out there in blog land. I was in very good company, and we were in the May/June issue of McCall's Quilting this year. ( this was a first for me ... entering anything like this )
this was my last quilt in the challenges. The theme was opposite's attract.
I seam to always have many different projects on the go. This is something I think I need to work on sew that I can say that I have many projects done ;0) I am going to challenge myself to get some of those done and get some of the kits worked up that I have as well. I am not even going to wait until the new year. I figure now is as good a time as any. Wish me luck.
I have made a number of good friends through blogging and have even met a few of them. This is a great place to met new friends and share ideas or even just have a show and tell.
I do love to take classes from the designers/ teachers of some of my favorite techniques and rulers . And what better place than at the Saskatchewan Stitches Conference that is held here in Saskatchewan hosted by Haus of Stitches ( check out there site for next years classes and maybe I will see you there). What better way to keep your creative juices going than with other quilters.
Sew that's a little about me Thanks for stopping in and do come back for a visit from time to time to see what I will share with you next.
in stitches
I received a little package of goodies in the mail from one of the teachers from the conference
Marci Baker of
Quilt with Marci Baker and her online shop. Thanks Marci for such a great give away! I use each of these items every day.
She uses the 60 degree ruler to design some wonderful quilts. Marci also has some great tutorials on her site as well, that will show you how to use each of these and more.
These great tools will go to one lucky winner in this give away, just leave me a comment about your favorite tool(s) that keep you quilting.
I will try to get back to each of you as long as you are not a no reply commenter. But if I do not, please know that I will read and enjoy each and every comment left.
The draw will be made on the 24th.
Thanks again for stopping by....... enjoy visiting Canada from coast to coast
in stitches