Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December has arrived

not sure how it got here sew fast but the calendar was turned to the start of a new month.
                            Welcome December the month that is filled with sew much.
To start of my post I will share the post card I received in the mail from Alice in Nova Scotia .
Alice's post card ..... in the mail today
 We are in the  Christmas post card swap that Sheila organize. I have also swapped with a gal in Australia.
the post card I sent to Alice
I have been working on a sample quilt for the learn to quilt class that I will teach in February here in town at the college .It covers all kinds of piecing  techniques.

I was using up some sock yarn and made up this little pair of socks

then I made up an apron for a friend

and now I will be off to build a stocking for another friend.
Today I will be linking up with  The Needle and Thread Network
Have a great week and enjoy December and all it's business
in stitches Annette

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

let it snow

 but just not too much ;0)
I am part of another post card swap, this one is with a Snowflake theme
here is a peek at what I came up with

 well that's all for now
I will post full pictures when the swap happens.
Have a great week
in stitches

Monday, November 24, 2014

and it has begun ...prep for Christmas

these little goodies take for ever to get baked up
but they love them
and that is why we do it

Christmas is a coming and it's time to get busy.
I have been getting a few goodies baked for the holidays and I have started on some of my sewing and knitting.
Mitts and a scarf/cowl
 a pair of socks
can't wait to wiggle my toes in
some new socks

I am trying out a baby pair of socks now.
A little sewing with a couple post cards for the swap that Sheila from Sheila's Quilt World has set up.They will be in the mail in the morning to start their journey to their new homes. Pics will have to wait until they arrive.
I have only the label to do for a baby quilt for our niece and nephew's new baby that sill be here by the end of December.
I am also working on a few other quilted gifts........ sew much to do and sew little time it seams. But one stitch at a time and I hope to get it all done.
just a peak from the back side
I have also been working on samples for the classes that I am going to teach in the new year.
Sew it is back to the machine ......
happy stitching to all
in stitches
a stocking for a special little gal

Sunday, November 2, 2014

some of the last sings of fall

it seems that fall is almost over as the cooler---- colder temperatures are some and snow is in the air. We had some sleet in the air here today .
I did received a beautiful sign of fall in the mail this week Sheila surprised me with one of her wonderful post cards........ the blueberry fields around her area . Sheila had organized a Fall swap and is in the works on a Christmas post card swap.

As October came to a close we were ready for the trick or treaters to come to our door. Not as many this year, it must have been to cold and windy for some of the little kiddies.

these little guys where hanging out just watching for the kids.
As the kiddies did come knocking on the door I was working on a baby quilt, and to my surprise  I did get the top put together that night and I now have it quilted pictures to come later this week.

Here is one of my finishes of this past week. I had to look for bean bag stuffing to finish the larger floor cushion ..... here is the pair of them

this can be a messy job but I did manage to keep it under control .... 
the static was crazy
I am hoping to see a few more signs of fall over the next few weeks ..... I hope
I am not ready for the fluffy stuff just yet.

Have a great week and stay 
in stitches 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

getting ready for Halloween

                                       Helped a mom get her little princess ready for Halloween.

\Now to see what else I can get done tonight.
Happy stitching
                in stitches

Friday, October 24, 2014

Taking a class

Image result for hawaiian quilts

sample that I found on line
Well a good friend of mine and I will be taking a Hawaiian Quilting class this winter. And the best part is that it will be in Hawaii. We got lucky and are in the last 2 spots for the day, sew we are very excited.
We will send our hubbies golfing while we take the class. Sew a good time will be had by all.
in stitches

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Just a thought for to day

This was sent to me by a friend and I thought I would like to share them with you.
That's all
in stitches