Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Teaching again

 I have made a few project bags for my friends and have been asked for a pattern.  I have dragged my heals in getting this done but I finally made up a pattern.

Our Sit n Stitch  ladies that want one have started construction on thier very own projects bags. Testing out my pattern. Having the ladies test it will help me make some last changes to the pattern.  We are working on them over a couple classes as everyone sews and works at different speeds.  I want the ladies to enjoy the process sew we are not rushing through it and working on it in class sew i can give a hand when needed. 

And we have more tea cozies

It has been great to see everyone's creative minds at work. Whether altering a pattern or using family treasures in creating tea cozies. 

In stitches Annette 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Day 2 in the classroom

 We were all pretty focused on our projects . Out of the 6 students in class 4 were doing paper piecing. Each a different pattern just to keep our teacher on her toes.

My pattern was for table runners in a leaf shape. Susan was doing leaf place mats . Sherry had a older pattern with a star burst and cat tails, which is going to be gorgeous, and Rosemarie was doing a runner that Michelle had designed. I didn't get photos of the other ladies as I didn't want to disturb them as they worked. Here are some of my progress.  And one with Susan and I with finished pieces just needing the papers removed and our teacher.

I want to say Thank you to Michelle from the MiMa Country Quilt shop for such a lovely week as well as her staff who helped in many ways. As well as having the giveaway of this retreat that Susan won. I know we will return either for a sewing get away or shopping. 
And thank you to our fellow students, our enjoyable week in the classroom wouldn't have been the same without you all. 
In stitches 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Let the paper piecing begin

 As soon as we arrived in Duck Lake we stopped by the shop and classroom.  We took our machines in and had a visit with  Michelle the shop owner and our teacher. 

Michelle is a certified teacher in paper piecing through Judy Niemeyer and her designs. She has a lovely  selection of patterns and a huge  selection of batik fabrics to work with. And i shouldn't forget to mention the samples that are hanging through out the shop. 

Once we settled into our sewing spots we headed off to the hideaway where we would be sleeping and having our breakfast. The hideaway used to be a convent but has been remodeled to have new life as a bed and breakfast as well as a home.

The rooms were great. Susan and I shared a room with 2 queen size beds and a bathroom. The others also had queen beds and 2 shared bathrooms.  4 of us stayed at the hideaway.  

Boy there was a nice selection for breakfast,  fresh fruit, all types of yogurt  bread for toast and at least 5 types of breakfast cereal.

Wednesday morning we were early and after breakfast off to class. We started at 830 am and went until 8 at night. We were served such tasty meals for lunch and supper at the shop in the lunch and snack room just off of the classroom. 

In the classroom my spot is right next to my sewing buddy and good friend Susan. 

In stitches 


Monday, March 3, 2025

Getting my bags packed


Here's  bag number one. The most important one..... the project bag. Boy I  got a lot in there.

Next the snack bag and then the clothing etc bag.

Off for a 4 night 3 day quilt retreat at MaMi's Country Quilts, in Duck Lake Sk. 

My good friend and quilty sister Susan wonthis prize  last fall at her quilt guild show.  We have been planning ever since. We even did a road trip with hubbies to pick out what we want to learn.

 Hint is in the photo.

Of course last week I caught a cold. I feel good now just a lingering cough which happens every time a catch a cold. Coughing  is not new to me as I have Sarcoidosis in my lungs and this is just part of it for me. Fortunately we,my doctor and I,  have this under control.  If this cough persists I will check in with him.

Sew off to pack and tidy up a wee bit before I head off.

In stitches 


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Working up a pattern

 Creating a pattern for my Project Tote with double handles and a window. I even made a mini Tote to use the zipper left over. Don't want to waste anything or put into the scrap bag. Hopefully we will test it out in March  with the Sit n Stitch ladies.

Main Tote 
Mini Tote 

In stitches

A little playtime


With a book from the library and my sewing supplies I had a little fun and just played. One little house with 4 sides to stitch on.

The book is a Quilting Arts how to book with a large number of quilt artists.  I will have to take it out on loan again for a little more playtime and some daydreaming. 

Check out your library to see what you can find for some playtime.  Don't forget to check the online books and magazines they have too.  

Well its -40 and as a true Canadian,  I'm off  to Sit n Stitch today.  The hot chocolate will be on. 

In stitches Annette 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentines Day

 Just a short note to wish you all a Happy Valentines Day. 

And it happens to be 14 yrs since I started blogging.  

The post cards have just been created. One features reverse applique,  the other raw edge applique.  

Happy stitching 

In stitches Annette