Happy New Year!
And we are a week into 2017, already.
This year I am hoping to get some UFO's worked on. So far for my first week I have taken a bag that had a block of the month started from a few years ago that I was trying to catch up on over the summer while camping but only a few blocks got done. So with eight blocks of the 20, to go I started on them again this week. Now I have the blocks not only assembled but I also have the quilt ready for borders. Believe it or not the color I'd like to put in between the main border and quilt top I cannot find in my stash so shopping I must go.
Playing with the blocks |
Now well that one's it's on hold I got started on another project and another bag. It started with a Celtic knot that I stitched up 20 blocks with the same Celtic knot and then I did a central panel that I thought would work well with this quilt Block and it has sat for a number of years. I know it is a quilt top borders and all. Only back in to get for this one and then I can get busy quilting it.
Celtic knot quilt |
Celtic knot |
Serpentine twist From a class with Virginia Walton |
I know that I have a number of other projects that are just waiting to get work done and finished. So hopefully this year I will get a few of those done and share with you photos of those along the way. I feel I am off to a good start, I hope it continues for a while....happy stitching
Thanks for stopping by
I wish you all the best for 2017
In stitches