Friday, June 28, 2024

New editor in my favorite magazine

Hello everybody,

I just want to say that there is a new editor at Quilting Arts. Vivika Hansen Denegre has retired,  I think she will enjoy having a little more time in her studio. Brandy Maslowski aka Quilter on fire, is the new consulting editor. I want to wish them both well in  their new endeavors. Congratulations ladies!

 This has been one of my favourite magazines for some time  now. I hope if you have not read a copy of one yet, pick up a copy and I'm sure housing be disappointed. I still have every copy I have bought. There are a great resource for  playtime with fabric.

On another note.....
We have been gettingn g to the lake on weekends and doing a little fishing. While this past weekend we finally caught a couple. :-)

I did get a wee bit of sewing done and here's another tote for the trail.

Well that's all for now.
If your from Canada, happy a happy Canada Day weekend! 
In stitches

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