Well we are slowly bring our camping gear home, just the camper left. Kinda sad as this means summer is coming to a close. Falls not sew bad, shorter days may bring more quilting.
It's been a very wet day today, sew I was working on a few projects I have on the go. Binding is sewn on the Christmas quilt , now to finish by hand. Good tv work I think.
I was trying out a pattern for a bag with some sample fabric my niece gave me..... just need a piece of hardware, a slider and it will be done.
Also working a little on a quilted hug made from fabric given to me , I think it was leftovers from a quilt. Working up nicely. I hope to make a few of these Quilted hugs to give to the nursing home here in town. I'm sure someone could use a warm hug.
Trail Tote by Anna Graham |
Quilted Hug in progress |
Happy stitching out there
In stitches