Welcome to the hop. Today it is my turn to share a few pin cushions that I have played with over the last couple of weeks.
But first I want to thank Mdam Samm and Kristen for doing all that they do to keep us inspired and organized to do these hops. I think it takes a lot of talent to get the hops organized and to find the special cheer leaders to help to carry them all out.
And also to all the great sponsors that share some wonderful products that keep us wanting to create.
I am with a great bunch of bloggers today with the hop. Sew do stop in and check out what they have done as well . Let them inspire you to create as well.
Here is today's line up
September 12
For this hop I started with a little ruler that I received from Mdm Samm earlier this year as a little extra with my Blinky.

I picked a couple fabrics that I had on hand( actually on the ironing board). I then started cutting as I was not sure how many wedges I would need to make a full circle. I sew up the pairs and then quarter circles then the halves. I used the finished circle to cut a bottom for the pin cushion. A little more sewing and stuffing and add a couple of buttons and here you have it.
Next I took a left over block from another project and made this little one...... Recognize the fabrics ?? I thought it made a nice little cushion with heart.
Then not stopping yet, I stopped by Moda Bakeshop and found this pattern for my bowlful of strawberries.......
just a little cream to go with them......
Seeing that I had a few days left I thought I would make one more , one that has a feeling of summer / fall. What else but a huge sunflower.
I did use a little paint to give the petal a sun kissed touch.
and a little Dragonfly to finish it off. It is just a little over sized and has a weighted bottom. I think it will work just fine at the ironing board, sure not to get lost in the ufo's that seam to collect there.
Hope you enjoyed my play time with pin cushions. Leave me a comment I and will include you in a draw at the end of the hop. Please make sure that I can contact you. I have a copy of Summer's End and a ity bity charm pack and a few other goodies to keep them company on there way to the winner of the give away.
I will close with a pincushion I had found on line at Sew Mama Sew, I made it up a couple of years ago and use it a lot.
It is a handy one with a little garbage bag.
I did add a strip of gripping tape that I found in the purse notion area in the fabric shop, ( it is used to keep you purse strap in place on your shoulder but it also keeps it from sliding off my work area too)
in stitches