Thursday, June 13, 2024

2024 Saskatchewan Stitches conference

it's a wrap. I only took a couple classes this year. One was working with intense pencils a a little free motion quilting. Our teacher was Ana Buzzalino, from Calgary Alberta. It was a lot of fun and is still a work in progress.
Ana and I
Inktense work in progress

The second class was on the last day. It was Caring for your Featherweight. It was taught by Bernie Tobisch. He has a book out on t maintenance of  your sewing machine. and he and his wife will have a new book out this fall regarding the use of sewing machine feet. I'm hoping to get a signed copy at the Haus of stitches this fall.

I have been working on some projects for The Artisans Trail this July. some of which are these little postcards as well as some bags and totes.

 At the lake we have been watching the little Robin family grow. now they are out of the nest and Mama Robin is busy feeding the baby ones. 
Can you find all 3 babies

It's nice to see the spring  posies growing in the yard and also enjoying some fresh rhubarb made into pies. 

 Well now it's time to go get busy again.
Sew stay in stitches and enjoy the day.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Off to the Saskatchewan Stitches Conference 2024

I'm all packed and ready to go to the Stitches Conference held in Muenster SK, hosted by Haus of Stitches in Humboldt SK.
I'm very lucky to have this amazing conference close, about 1 and half-hour drive away.
I will be taking classes with Ana Buzzalino from Calgary, and Bernie Tobisch.

You can check it all out at   The you can see all the classes and teachers.
There is sew, quilting, knitting, crochet,spinning art quilting,slow stitching and more.
Hundreds of participants gather to learn and renew friendships and make new ones.

I'm sew looking forward to meeting Ana as our past classes were on line due to  covid
and personal health issues.
I will try to keep you up to date with my activities this week.

In stitches

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Well it's been a mintue.......

since my last post. I have been busy stitching up a storm as they say. I have 5 Victory Quilts ready to bind.

I have my version of Pat Sloane What's in Your Closet ready for border.
Teaching my little neighbour sewing.We are making a t shirt with the front blueprints, using a special paint.
 I'm working on items for the Artisans trail , which is less than 2 months away.
I participated in a juried art show, a first for me.
 finished a jelly roll rug.

took a plant dyeing class and dyed a silk scarf
had fun helping a friend make dog beds from her guild's scrap bags 
took alcohol ink class,fun stuff to play with
 Another first for me is that I've sent in a submission to a magazine for consideration, more one this later.
 At our campsite we found a robin nesting in the wood shed, they have 4 babies to look after. there is a dove nesting in the same area with a single chick. Now we get to watch them grow. In our campground there are a number of different birds. We had also seen, sparrows, gold finch,sirens,purple martins,Orioles sea gulls with more to come.
Sew far this spring the weather has been mixed. We have had some nice rains to wash away the winter dirt/snow mold, warm days and very cool ones. We have frost on the rooftops this morning
 Well it's a week or sew later and Im still trying to upload some photos....... oh sugar!

 Okay I think I got it...... it show it in code on my screen hope this works.... just previewed the post , it's a bit of a mess with phots in the wrong spots and repeated. Not sure how to fix. I sorry for the messs I will be working on learning what to do to fix this but I hope you come back again to see what I have been up to.
 in stitches

by George I think I got it. I found a setting the had been changed and changed it back and did a little clean up. I have the setting back to compose and not HTML view.......  

Friday, March 22, 2024

Progress with Pat.

that's Pat Sloan and What's In Your Closet. We are on week 9 and I am all caught up with the blocks. Now if I find the time I will try to get the sashings made up and attached to the blocks that I have already made. It is sew great that Pat gives us the layout for the quilt as well as the directions to assemble the quilt as we go. That is sew much better than waiting until the very end of the making the quilt blocks before assembling into a quilt top. I have made a number of Pat's quilts in the past and have always found her layouts quite interesting. she doesn't do the standard layout with all the quilt blocks the same size. I have also found that this has been a great way to use up some of the Fabrics I have on hand. I have only picked up Fabrics for the sashings and binding so far for this one.
Spring is in the air. the skies are blue and its warming up. looking forward to some April showers and the first flowers of spring but a trip to the green house is good too. Well that's all for now. in stitches Annette

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Some progress this week.

This week has been pretty good. I have the Disappearing 9 Patch ready for a label. it will keep our EMTs cozy. We had supper outside, via a winner roast. always tasty.
A quick trip to Humboldt to Haus of Stitches to exchange a quilting book, it was partly put together upside down. And of course a little bit of fabric to use in borders and sashing in the block Wednesday's What's in your closet with Pat Sloan. I'm still only buying to finish a project. The bigger part of any quilt is coming from my stash and inherited stash from friends. I did have some help in the store.
I have started working up some scraps for mug mats /rugs for next Halloween. The kids really seamed to like them. I've bee working on a few fabric post cards. I get started with a pile off fabrics and buttons, beads and trims. I never really know what it will turn out like until I'm done.Play time with no rules.
Hope you all are having a great week. Spring is coming I can feel it in the air. In Stitches Annette

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Still stitching

Well after another weekend of snow and a bit more quilting. I now have The Breakfast Club quilt top put together and binding is cut. I have the next 2 blocks done for what's in your closet, both quilts are designed and offered by Pat Sloan.
This winter/spring I will be working on a few projects for a artisan show and sale. I really enjoy play time with fabric. I will share as I create. In stitches Annette

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Well let's get back to the business of stitching

 Well I was gone for a little while on a holiday. But now I back home and getting ready to sew.

This afternoon I pin basted 2 quilts , Autumn Wonders and a large disappearing 9 patch. Autumn Wonders is a quilt from Pat Sloan and her Block Wednesday's. I did it up in a different for me color scheme. I am happy with how it worked out. Even if it is sew different from what I usually use. The second quilt is from fabric gifted to me, sew to pay it forward this quilt will go the our local EMTs for the new building with sleeping quarters, to keep them cozy. A good friend of mine is also making a quilt for the second bedroom.

I have stared another 2 of Pat's quilt alongs. The Breakfast club and Wednesday's What's in your closet quilt. 

I'm also trying out a slow stitching stitch along from k3wn clothtails.Just to slow down and enjoy the process and I'm learning new stuff as I go.

The first 4 weeks of slow stitching.

I did get 6 quilts quilted for Victoria Quilts Canada. Something I enjoy doing.

Today is day 2 of a winter storm, over a foot of snow on the back patio. Great to get the moisture,and We know it will not last long. Spring is around the corner.

I have participated in a couple fabric post card swaps this year as well as monthly challengs. It's a fun way to get creative and play with fabrics on a small scale.

January's challenge
Tea anyway you like it. 
Tea dyed and tea bags used here.

Well this a bit of a catch up. More to come . 

Now to get back to my sewing space and get some quilting done.f

In stitches
