Monday, January 16, 2012


While working on my challenge quilt I seam to be finding out what a challenge project is all about. I 'm I giving myself too many choices for color and fabrics or not enough? And what about design ideas, finished size and sew on. At times I think I am over thinking the choices and when I just get at it I am liking what I am seeing and some times I have to cut a few different pieces because the one I thought would work just does not do it for me. It takes a little more time than I thought time that I thought I would be sewing but it is time well spent. I am happy with the work sew far and will continue to make the challenge project grow a little more. I do think I am running out of a fabric I will have to call and see if they can save me a piece. My personal goal is to have the piecing done by the end of the month.   Wish me luck. Sew it is onward with the challenge.
We'll see how this goes I just may have to do this again.
Here's a sneak peek
Sew that's all for now
In stitches

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New fav tool / W I P Wednesday

This is a new little tool that I found in my stocking this Christmas. My hubby had a little to do with it
 I call it  a Hubby toe and foot saver the red neck version
It's a telescoping magnetic wand ...... with a light ..... he was not able to find the batteries sew he bought a small flash light and got out the duct tape....... gotta love that duct tape and all it's uses.  Hubby sure hopes that it replaces his feet as my main pin catchers/finders.
Sew now it is hanging from the  ceilling down stairs on the frame work sew that it is handy ( my sons idea). I just know that magnets and computerized sewing machines do not mix. Sew if you happen to have a red neck hubby toe and foot saver keep it away from your machine.

We were away last weekend sew not much in the sewing/quilting front has been done. I have started on my challenge quilt and picked up a little more fabric to work with it. I have been using my EQ7 to design my quilt and have been working through some of the lessons with Sheila.
 I will post just a peek of what I have done sew far.

I just heard today that the class that I offered to teach will be a go for the next two weeks. I should be alot of fun seeing what the ladies create. With thier permission I will post some the the pictures as the work on thier projects.

Be sure to check out the link on the side bar for The Needle and Thread Network.

I hope to get a couple quilt lables stitched out this week and put on baby quilts that I made last year for gifts.

Well thats all for now ,
stay in stitches

Friday, January 6, 2012

A busy start to the new year

It's been a busy week , working and trying to get started on my challenge quilt for the stitches conference., as well as starting the FMQ challenge.
Well I did get started on the quilt and changed my mind once on it already.
 I have the FMQ posted, I know I posted early, and know I will practice it through the month and then add it to my sampler quilt. I think I will post a little later next month after I practice and make a pretty sample , which is what the intent was on the host blog. I am glad sew many have already posted and popped over to check my quilt out. It will be fun seeing what everyone is doing and how much they improve.
I have also been working on my EQ7 working through the lessons with Sheila and designing my quilt for the challenge. Sheila and I thought it would be good to work through the lessons at the same time just to keep on track and get it done. And it is always great when you bounce ideas off a friend. A home work buddy sew to speak.
The weather here has been very spring like water running down the street and winds that make you think you should be out flying a kite. We also had some lines cut in the area sew we with out phone/Internet etc. for a day .... it was after 10 pm when the lines where fixed. That makes it twice in only a matter of about 6 weeks.
Take care
In stitches

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 FMQ Challenge

Has started  The 1st post was up yesterday. (Link on my side bar)
Video instruction on how to stitch out  a nice leaf pattern.
 step one practice drawing what you are going
to stitch

I feel this challenge is a good way to get more skills developed in my free motion quilting.
2 step practice stitching it out
I would like to feel more comfortable using a variety of designs in my quilting , right now I  seam to only use a few that I feel very comfy with.Sort of stuck in a rut. Sew as they say it's time to step outside of my box and explore what is out there ..... at least stitch wise. And learning with all of you out there and with a variety of teaches will be great. And not to forget there will be give aways , I think each month.         
                  What's not to like.
             I have put the sampler together  with only the border to add.
a scrappy sampler to practice on
might have to make a nicer one later

It's never to late to join up .Pop over to sewcalgal to join in the fun .

In stitches

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 coming to an end

Welcome 2012.
 I hope you don't go as fast as this year has.
Wishing you all the best in the coming year.
It's been a good year with a lot of learning , sharing and making many blogging friends.
I hope to continue to do the same in the coming year.
In stitches

Friday, December 30, 2011

Lost Christmas

has arrived
The novel that BJ had as a give away arrived today.
 It took a while due to all the holiday mail, well worth the wait.
 I think I am in for a good read with a good story. The novel is by Richard Paul Evans, he also wrote  The Christmas Box ,as well as The Walk.
Thanks again BJ.
 In stitches

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The week after Christmas

Let it Snow Red work gift
'It's been a busy week with a little sewing on boxing day and a sausage making day on the 27th and then back at work on the 28th. We have had a lot of turkey with the trimmings left over to work on .... it will take a few days and a care package I think to clean them up, just might have to freeze a bit too.

I received my very first piece of red work from Sheila at
She sure does some very fine stitching.Something I will treasure for sure.

Boxing day project
It sure was nice to have our kids home for the holidays. As most folks find , it sure get quite after they head for their own homes.

Soon we all will be getting back into routine and projects that have been on hold. I have a few to finish up and a few more to get started.I am going to try to get some of the fabric used that I have in my stash before getting more as well as down sizing my magazine collection( must be over 100 for sure )

There are a few things I would like to work on in 2012.
One would be learning and using my EQ7 , as well as working up some of the blocks from the farmer's wife book.

knitting wrist warmers

I also would like to challenge myself to keep up with a bit of knitting and if I can get all the sock yarn worked up maybe knit a sweater for myself.
But I do love the feel of hand knit socks sew maybe the sweater might be for someone smaller. It's early and one can always change their mind.

Well tonight I feel a little tuckered out sew no sewing for me( to many mistakes happen) maybe a cup of tea and a cuddle with a quilt

Until next time
take care
In stitches and hugs of course