Friday, June 24, 2016

a little me sewing

The other day I got out some sun sensitive dye ,that I have had on hand for a while, and did a little project for me..... just a little play time :0)
I started with a tank top I like and made a pattern off of it and then cut fabric and set it in the sun with some leaves and over the next day I had a new top
my starting point
finished top ready for Canada Day

now I want to play a bit more with other items and other colors.

next I cut out some Capri pants for the summer  ... now to get them sewn.
That's it for now thanks for stopping by
 Have a great weekend
in stitches

Thursday, June 16, 2016

stitching away in June

Hello to you all.
This month is flying by, spring is turning into summer and oh how we enjoy that. Even with the nice warm temps out there I have been finding time to sew, not always getting a post done :0( but I will try to do one a week to keep in touch.
In the last little while I have stitched up a bunch of bags with elastic tops ...... mystery bags for her classroom and when talking to her tonight she also used some for story stones that the kids made in class. So now the kids can share their stories through the story stones with their families.
I did a couple of classes with Pat Pauly ..... what a fun class

the first of my big leaf blocks

improv class
to me this is a slough in a farmers field
now to stitch it
from the improv class.....
not finished yet
 and not sure what will be next
but I am having fun finding my way with it
I did a few more splendid sampler blocks
finished piecing the top of the Craftsy BOM
did a little more sewing for my niece
now to try and get my sewing space tidied up a bit
 and stitch a few more of the splendid sampler blocks, when I am not at work or in the garden or gone fishing at the campsite.
sew for now that's all
in stitches

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Quilting with Pat

Yesterday we had a great time doing Pat Pauly's Big Leaf class. She was just sew much fun go be around. And the ladies in the class were just great, sharing ideas as well as their fabric.
Pat really helped us all look at colour a little differently and taught us that what may have planned for a fabric or colors just might not be the choice you end up using. One tip was to us scraps of fabrics in approximate size and shape.
Pat had a lecture again in the evening which I found very interesting. She is a contemporary art quilter and has some wonderful pieces... here are a couple from last night.
Sorry technical difficulties... due to I can't pull the photos over from IPad. :0[
More later after her Improv class today
In stitches
Pat Pauly from Rochester New York,
With her Big Leaf quilt

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A few stitches for a friend

Today I am looking forward to taking a class with Pat Pauly from New York. It is a class with piecing using freezer paper to build is your pattern on ,cut apart,sew on and re assemble.. Tomorrow I will be taking her improv class, with my bags of scraps.

On another topic I have come across a great pattern and cause. It's a little something that a few friends of mine could use and I am sure you have one or two that would give them a try as well. It is a knitted breast prosthetic. The organization is called Knitted Knockers , they have groups in different countries that one could contact if you were in need of a "knocker"
or wanted to knit or crocheting for them. This organization started in the USA and there are several patterns and videos on their site. The pattern is easy to follow and with the small ball of yarn I picked up I was able to make 2 and there should be enough for 1/2 of one more.

I have already been to a friend's home and we got one fitted and stuffed to make her feel great. She can hardly wait for me to drop them off. She can not believe how light they are. I will give more feedback as she uses them through the summer.

I will  be linking up with Needle and Thread Network.

Have a great day and of course, stay
In stitches

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Stitches Conference 2016

I can hardly wait The Saskatchewan Stitches Conference is about to start. Some classes start in the morning and run for  10 days. I will be taking a ruler work class this weekend and the a couple of classes with Pat Pauly from New York. The teachers come form all over , across Canada , Untied States and sometimes even over seas. We are sew very lucky to have all of this right at our finger tips.

As I get myself ready I have been getting a couple of things done too. I have the runners from my class quilted. I came across a couple of blocks left over from a baby quilt and the fabric and now I have a baby quilt ready to quilt. I have another Hawaiian block ready to stitch, and I have gotten started on the wool wall hanging. I am trying to get caught up with the Splendid Sampler and the BOM on Craftsy.  It's kind of funny how just planning on going gets you inspired to get things done.
I am looking forward to getting recharged at the conference and seeing all the other ladies doing the same. That all for now I will try to post a little over the week while I take in the different classes.

Stay in stitches I know I will be ........

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Bargello class is a wrap

The last 2 Tuesdays I was teaching a class at our local community college. We did up a runner using the Bargello technique. The pattern was based on the Row by Row pattern  that the 4 40 Quilt Shop, in Saskatoon, had last year. Jackie the shop owner was very kind  and let us use her pattern as a starting point for our runner.
Here is the class pic I took of my lovely ladies and their runners.

Sew many color choices and sew many great runners. I am very proud of you all and what you accomplished in 2 nights. For some this was their first quilt project!
I also made a couple more Bargello runners for samples that now need to get quilted.

Yesterday we has a light rain throughout the day and now it is a light snow the is starting to gather on the roof tops and a little on the grass....... oh well it is moisture and the snow will be short lived I am sure.
Sew if this is your weather today as well stay cozy and stay ........... in stitches

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

spring rain :0)

Well we are getting a little spring rain this morning ...... much needed as it has been sew dry sew far this spring. You can see the grass greening up and the trees in leaf and some in flower.... sew pretty.

Sorry that I have been in the missing mode for a while , I have been under the weather and still in a fog. I have been getting some sewing done but not near what I am used to doing.

The Splendid Sampler is keeping me busy I think I have 5 to catch up on but here is the last one I did ( not in order ) it was for Derby Day

I also received a wonderful little kit from Sheila ( from Sheila's Quilt World ) for my birthday to get me started with working with wool. Last night I got it all cut out and ready to stitch. I saw somewhere that you could staple baste your wool sew that is what I did ....... looking forward to stitching this cute little bell pull.
thanks Sheila

That's all for now I will try to keep in touch with you all even if my head is still in a fog with this bug.
I almost forgot   I am linking up with Monica and the gals at Needle and Thread Network , stop on by and see what everyone has been up to..... see you there ;0)
in stitches and hugs

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Splendid Sampler

Well we are on block 9 as of today. I have just finished block 8 and will tackle # 9 on Monday.
Here are the last few that I have finished. Cute little blocks that should make up a nice quilt with many different techniques.

Here is a little grouping of the blocks sew far. I do have doubles of some but I only put one of each in the picture.
Other than working on these little guys I have done some quilting for a friend. This is a lovely quilt with some great maple leaves on it. I chose to quilt the red leaves and centers with read thread as I did not want to take away from the showiness of  the quilt. I used a ruler technique to quilt stars in the red centers.

the back side of the quilt show off the leaves
 done in red on the cream
Sew there's what I have been up to this past week. I am sew happy to be able to get back to my stitching.
Have a great week and stay 
in stitches

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

WIP's and a few finishes

I see that there has been a lot of stitching going on when I checked out The Needle and Thread Network....... great job ladies.
I have a few things to show as well. My Splendid Sampler blocks to date ( sorry lots of photos this week)

I played with a second block and
did yo yo flowers

a couple of runners/toppers finished
E quilt class from a couple a
 summers ago
not your grandmothers log cabin

Trying my hand at ruler work quilting
as well as a pair of socks..... cozy toes here
knit along on Craftsy with Lucy
and a pair of booties

and now that it is delivered my Under the Sea minion baby quilt
Well you can tell I have not posted in a week or sew and I have gotten a few stitches in here and there ..... thanks for stopping by .I will be linking up with  stop over and see what the ladies have been up to this week.
in stitches

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Splendid Sampler and some auction finds

This looks like a fun project that will last a year with 2 blocks a week until we hit 100 blocks.
Pat Sloan and friends ( I think about 80 designers have helped out to make is happen )
Pop by her site to get started. There will be bonus projects as well.
We started off with this cute little pressing/design tote. There is even a pocket for your 6 - 61/2 " ruler.

I think I will do a little more quilting on the little guy

Here is the first block ( I did post it yesterday but here it is again )

I plan on using up a lot of my bits and pieces as some of them are quite large. And this year that has been my plan to use up some of my own goodies before shopping. I know I will still get some shopping in but I will try to stick with my plan.

This past weekend we went to an auction and I found a couple of goodies
a set of sock dryers and some great wool.....

 Prairie Wool from Custom Woolen Mills ltd in Alberta 8 balls in all, should be enough for a sweater or poncho.

well that's it in a stitch for today
in stitches

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A few more stitches

Well the last couple of weeks we have been battling colds here..... now just a lingering cough, that's driving a little crazy. My elbow is healing nicely. I am still being careful what I do with it
I did get a pair of socks finished and started another that is a knit along on Craftsy, with Lucy Neatby. It's a fun pattern that knits up rather nice. I am behind as this month there is a toe up sock with cables. I am looking forward to giving that one a try too.
the sock on the right is the one from Lucy's class
it fits perfect and feels nice and cozy on

I have also been sewing along with the 2016 BOM with Lynette on craftsy.
round 2 on and star blocks for March and May complete
And another sew along just started this weekend. Pat Sloan is hosting  the Splendid sampler, which will have blocks released twice a week. There will be 100 - 6 inch blocks over the year.
February 14th block #1 
Another fun project has been a baby quilt. I did use a fish from a magazine as well as a few cut from fabric, other than that I have designed this one. It has taken longer than I had planned with limited use of my one arm.
just a peak until it is delivered 
I did get a little mail last week.... from the December quilt /pillow challenge. Some lovely lotions to try out. Thank you to Darlene aka SewCalGal for hosting the FMQ Challenge last year.( She has another on the go for this year check it out )
udderly smooth

Sew that's what I have been up to the last little while...... what have you been doing?

In stitches
 PS I am linking up with The Needle and Thread Network , it is always great to see what the other ladies have been up to.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

a little bit here and a little bit there

A few more stitches today ......
center panel complete

A start of a BOM that is on the Craftsy site hosted by Lynette Jensen of Thimbleberries.
I am taking this as a great way to use up a few of the fabrics that I have left over from other projects and those that were just waiting for a project.
great little travel pouch for my tools 

On another site I came across this cut little scissor, etc. holder. I think it will make nice little gifts for some of my sewing friends .

Next I want to get a start on a gift quilt, I am trying not to do to much to fast sew it has only been a little time here and a little time  there in my sewing area. Slowly but surely I will be back to my quilty self.

Thanks for stopping by
in stitches

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

a stitch at a time

Well I have looked at the calendar and see that we are almost half way through the first month of the year..... it has been a blur but now starting to come in focus.

My sewing area is a mess and is wanting some attention, Class samples have to get finished off and some written up. Sew as I slowly get my arm back into the swing of things  I will just do a little at a time.It is a good feeling to get the movement back in my arm and elbow.

 I also have a baby quilt to create...... this one is going to be such fun for a little one due next month. The sketch is done and now to get at it..... maybe next week but soon.
 Sew this afternoon I can say that I have the supply list sent off and the machine sample finished to go with the hand work sample of the Dresden Plate block.
machine and hand applique
 Dresden Plates

The weather is starting to warm a bit at the moment it is -9 c outside and cloudy, the birds are enjoying the feeders...... empty again I see.

I also hope to put some of the craftsy classes to use shortly, I will re watch them as I go this time and do the homework along the way.

I have been studying the class list for this years Stitches Conference in Munster hosted by Haus of Stitches  check it out at I am looking at about 4 different days.

I was talking with the local area Arts Council this morning and we are going to host another quilt show at the gallery in June...... Run Away with Quilts. They will be running an ad in the paper to let the local quilters know sew that they have time to do a little sewing or find that treasure they want to share. I am hoping that we will get a nice selection of Runners for the table or your bed as well as larger quilted items and wall hangings.

Well that's bee my day ..... Have a good one and stitch a little just for fun
in stitches

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Getting the itch to stitch

Well I have been watching some of the craftsy classes, and I'm just itching to stitch something. I have watched ruler work quilting, some technique classes and working my way through quilt con 2013 . I even signed in for the BOM class 2016..... check it out they are offering it as a free class, while there check out the vast array of classes offered in many different fields.

I have been grateful to have something to keep my mind busy. We had an awful start to this year.... we lost some wonderful people in our lives. A family of 4 lost to a terrible accident, I'm still having a hard time believing this has happened. My heart goes out to my friend who has lost so much,hugs to you my dear friend.

Sew let's remember to Live ,Love and Laugh
with those around you and close to your heart.

In stitches

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Welcome 2016

Happy New Year to you all.
I'm hoping you all had a great holiday season
I have gotten off to a slow start this year. I somehow have gotten an infection in my elbow. Sew things will be slow for a bit , thought it would be a great time to watch some of my craftsy classes.
That's all for now....... in stitches

Thursday, December 17, 2015

DECEMBER 2015 FMQ Challange

I will be linking up with QuiltShopGal
The months instructor was Wendy Sheppard, she has been a instructor in the past and has on line classes as well as being featured in magazines.
I tried doing the Swirly Vines  with my snowflake as that is how the snowflakes fall with the wind swirling them around. It turned out okay and I have a cute pillow just in time for the Christmas season.

On the back I played with trying to stitch a bit of a winter scene, all tone on tone so it does not stand out but the quilting helps to give the pillow nice body.
I changed how I took the picture to give the quilting
 a chance to show up

Thanks for stopping by and remember to check out what the other pillow look like this month.
Thanks to Darlene for hosting this challenge again this year it is always fun to learn along with all of you.
And a little non quilting today...... the fudge my Mom used to make years ago. It is a fudge with some flour in it.
one for home and a little one to gift away.

Have a sweet evening
in stitches