Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January finishes

Wow , January is almost done, time sure seams to fly.
This month I did manage to get a couple quilts done. A ufo that was a quilt along from 2010 it was a pinwheel sampler hosted by ps I quilt.
Then there is this

Quilted in a grid/plaid with a walking foot.
small quilt from a crafty class.
Today I also revived the last of my Christmas post cards .... thanks Sue. I think these little guys were just afraid of the cold here in Canada. Wonderful job Sue.
Cute koalas

TThanks for stopping by. Stay warm out there.... and stay in stitches

Friday, January 6, 2017

A new year

Happy New Year!
And we are a week into 2017, already.

This year I am hoping to get some UFO's worked on. So far for my first week I have taken a bag that had a block of the month started from a few years ago that I was trying to catch up on over the summer while camping but only a few blocks got done. So with eight blocks of the 20, to go I started on them again this week. Now I have the blocks not only assembled but I also have the quilt ready for borders. Believe it or not the color I'd like to put in between the main border and quilt top I cannot find in my stash so shopping I must go.
Playing with the blocks

Now well that one's it's on hold I got started on another project and another bag. It started with a Celtic knot that I stitched up 20 blocks with the same Celtic knot and then I did a central panel that I thought would work well with this quilt Block and it has sat for a number of years. I know it is a quilt top borders and all. Only back in to get for this one and then I can get busy quilting it.
Celtic knot quilt

Celtic knot

Serpentine twist
From a class with Virginia Walton

I know that I have a number of other projects that are just waiting to get work done and finished. So hopefully this year I will get a few of those done and share with you photos of those along the way. I feel I am off to a good start, I hope it continues for a while....happy stitching

Thanks for stopping by
I wish you all the best for 2017
In stitches

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Post card swaps

With Christmas a week away, I thought I would share the post cards I have received sew far... first off Shelia hosted a Christmas post card swap  sew far one of the two are here
This is Mary's post card she is from the U.K. and this is her first ever post card. She did awesome

Next I took part in Brand's Mistletoe post card swap.
One from Val in Ontario

One from Mary in B.C.
And the last one 
A smoochie one from Angela from B.C. as well

Here are the ones I sent 

I am sure the last post card will make it's way before long.
They are always fun to make and send off.
Thanks ladies for swapping with me this Christmas.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2017.

In stitches

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Mistletoe and stockings

 I'm in a postcard swap for the holidays. Brandi from A quilter on fire, is hosting a mistletoe post card swap.  I have them off in the mail. I hope they like them, I am looking forward to seeing what they created for the swap.
Mistletoe Post Cards

Then I stitched up a stocking for Christmas, one more to sew up yet.

As I do some of the sewing on my to do list and hemming pants, I have made a quilted sleeve for my daughter's mono. I tried out the product called inerfoam. A foam the you can sew through and you can squeeze t an it will bounce back to its original shape. I did have slipped stitches when sewing the binding on.

Then I tried out a headband pattern and have these ready to mail.
That's what I've been up to, what have you been stitching this week?
In stitches

Monday, November 28, 2016

A scrappy finish

Well not that long ago I posted the start of this quilt. Sew from the design wall to quilted and bound, here's the finished quilt. It is nice when a quilt comes together.

Close up up the quilting, a little hard to see
But a good place to test out a new pattern

I did try a new to me quilting design, meandering feathers as Anegla Walters shows on her videos. I also used a contrast color on the border to soften the black.
I do like how it turned out .
In stitches

Sunday, November 27, 2016


This weekend I was the lucky recipient of some goodies.
A friend stopped by with a little thank you for giving her a hand.
A cute sweater cup and chocolates

And then my sweet daughter stop by while we were away and left me my first advent calendar........ full of tea.

Looking forward to December 1

Chocolate and tea what more could a quilter ask for.
Now off to do some stitching
In stitches

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Just add buttons

Well I spent a little time at the machine. Stitching in the ditch, ruler work and button holes.
Using the ruler to create a continuous line design.
Inevitably figured out for the Dresden plate block.
                     Just a little marking and a special foot for your machine to use the rulers is all that you need

The design from the backside.

Ready to trim down and put together

Ready for a pillow
Now just the buttons to add.
sew there's my holiday pillow.
In stitches

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Festive Holiday Pillow class

Last night was night number 2 for the pillow class. The ladies did pretty well with their pillows. We did a Dresden plate block as the focus on the pillow. The back was quilted with a button closure. I will finish up my working samples tomorrow, and the ladies have a little work to do to finish up their pillows. A couple are doing others things with their block. One is making a table topper and the other a runner. Here are a few pictures from last night's class. All in Christmas prints.

I missed taking a couple pictures. I am sew proud of what they all were able to get done as this was a first quilting project for a few of them. I also learned that we could have used a third night to get them completely done. It's  sew hard to figure out the time frame needed. I will be on call to the ladies sew that they can get them done.
Thanks for stopping by.....
In stitches

Monday, November 21, 2016

Just stitching away

Well I finally have a picture for you out there in the land of blog. Here is a quilt that I have been working on. I have been using fabrics on hand. 56 blocks and now I am ready to sew them together.
Then add the borders and quilt.
I am also in a couple of Christmas post card swaps the first two cards will be off in the mail in the morning. Those pictures will be posted later.
Soon we all will be rushing around getting baking and shopping done for the holidays as well as a bit of sewing too.
Have a great week and sew something fun.
In stitches

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Pumpkin pudding... getting ready for the holidays

Hello dear friends,out there in blog land.
This last while I have been sewing up a storm for a local craft sale. Now with that over I am still making some microwave pot holders. And that should wrap that up for now.
I had some fun this weekend making a steamed pumpkin pudding...... first round 4 quarts second round 10 quarts. All gluten free and they turned out yummy.
I will give a few quarts away for friend with family that are celiac.

We had my mother in law and sister in law out as well and we made butter balls, a breadcrumb ball for noodle soup. After making up the regular one we tried a small batch for me that were gluten free. Oh did I enjoy them.It's been years since I have had them.
 After the butter balls were done we made a batch of fresh egg noodles. It's been a while since I made those but still remember how it's done :-)
After that busy day we turned in early, feeling good about what we had accomplished.

Sorry I didn't get pictures on my camera to share. I hope to share this week some of the sewing I am doing now.
Well that's all for now.
Stay in stitches

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November already!

Wow, can you believe how fast this year is going?
I feel like I hardly get to my blog more than a couple times a month,before the month is done.
 I have different projects on the go and plans of photos and posts and then I get doing something else and another week has gone by.
Well this weekend there is a craft show and sale. I have been sewing and quilting for it for the past few months when I get a chance. I am starting to price things out. I will try and get a photo of the table when I am all set up . I am doing this with my daughter and a good friend. I am sure it will be a great day just getting a visit in with them both. Another good friend is having a table as well so a little table hopping and shopping might be in order.
Hope your having a great week...... stay in stitches

Thursday, October 20, 2016

I found an OSCAR!

An Oscar de la Renta that is.

I was at a local rummage sale and looking for some wool to shrink and found 4 wool jackets
top jacket is Oscar
Green jacket looks felted already :0)

 and when i looked closer I found that one was a well known designer. It will be a shame to take it apart and shrink but I am looking forward to studying the workmanship that went into making the jacket. One of the other jackets has pick stitch details which was fun to find as I like doing this on some of the formal dresses I make for the zipper.
I am now hopeful to get my first wool project done. Sheila from Sheila's Quilt World gave me a lovely little pattern and some wool to get me started in the world of wool work. It is just waiting for me to shrink up one of these jackets and then I can hang it on my wall. Thanks Sheila for putting  me on such a fun journey in wool.
wall hanging in waiting and
 cute little pouch from my good friend Sheila

yours in stitches

Monday, October 10, 2016


Just a quick note to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving...... here in Canada.
We are enjoying a little bit a everything weather wise rain and now snow at the moment.
Enjoy your loved ones and travel safe.
In stitches

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Sample dress

With a wedding coming up I wanted to test out a pattern.This will be an option for 3 young ladies . I will be tweaking the pattern some to make it just what the bride and groom have in mind.
 I had some fabric left over from sewing up a grad gown for our daughter, sew this was the perfect way to use some for that up. I thought it turned out cute and some one will have a pretty party dress.

Now to wait and see what sizes to make and shop for the perfect fabric. And of course what tweaking is needed to do to the pattern.
In stitches

Thursday, September 15, 2016

a few stitches to give away

This week I hosted our church ladies bible study, after the study I shared a couple of items that I had sewn from patterns found on the Canadian Lutheran World Relief page (under We Care Kits), these will be included with the We Care kits that we will put together and send off in November.
Britches for boys a printable pattern ( size T2 - T3)........
lil' britches
there is also a pattern from Nancy's Notions for shorts made from t shirts.
a cute little
 summer dress
trimmed with lace

 and a pillow case dress. I had no pillow case but I do have fabric sew of course I just sewed one up. I used a narrow bias tape and after it was all done decided that the next one I would use one that is at least 1/2 -3/4 inch wide just for comfort.
It is a great joy to be able to share what you enjoy doing.

in stitches

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Pillows.... for the season

Getting ready for a upcoming class later this fall
Using the EZ Dresden ruler we will be creating a fun pillow / pillow cover  using seasonal fabrics. 2 sides .... 2 looks
The Dresden Plate block

and the flip side

We will be doing this up with machine applique and some simple machine quilting.
should be a fun class. I do plan on making up a couple more samples for the students. The classes will be this November at the Carlton Trail Regional College here in Watrous.
I have done this style of pillow for a while and have a few made up in different sizes and for different times of the year.
In stitches


the last few stitches of the summer

Well summer sure has sped by once again this year. I have kept busy with some fishing at the lake and a little sewing.
 I also have gotten a good start on some mittens for our daughters class.
for warm and cozy little hands this winter

We picked some apples at a friends farm and DH and I made up some apple pies 10 in all sew that should last into the winter.
fresh pies and buns

 With the summer winding up the garden has been producing a good sum of tomatoes .... canned , stewed and salsa and more to come.

cottages by the water

I was apart of a post card swap and feel bad about not getting this lovely little card posted.
I swapped with Pauline from England, the theme was what you love about summer.
Thanks to Shelia from Sheila's Quilt World for hosting the swap. It takes a fair bit of time to get it all organized and we all appreciate all she does.
sunflowers and dragonflys
some of the things I love about summer
 I have been very slowly working on the Splendid Sampler blocks... here is the last on I worked on.

The skies are turning grey at the moment with a little rain coming, not what the farmers are wanting but that's what happens in the fall...... oh there I  said it that 4 letter "f" word that I have been trying to avoid at least until the 21st of September.

Have a great day out there and stay in  touch and  have some fun stitching something....
in stitches

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Flip Flops

On the Splendid Sampler there is a challenge going on with a cute block that was posted a few days ago.  A perfect little block for the summer .... flip flops. I have mine on the shore and have beaded my little flowers.  stop by the site and check out the other blocks and all the different looks.
Here's my block

In stitches

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

a couple more ufo's finish

and ready to wear.
   I had cut these out a couple years ago, I think it was 2013. Sew it was time to get them done and now I want to make a couple more. Next one will be just red. Did you know that red under a white t shirt or top dose not show with my skin tone.
Bev's Linda Bra pattern

the Linda bra pattern altered
 into the Shelly Bra with power bars

I took a few classes from Beverly Johnson aka the "fair bra mother" at the Stitches Conference held in Munster hosted by Haus of Stitches in Humboldt. Bev also has classes on Craftsy for bra making and more.
Check out the posts on The Needle and Thread Network.  I'm linking up too.
Well that's all I have been stitching for now. Have a great week ....
in stitches

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

a raining Saturday

meant a sewing day as we did not get to the campsite until the evening.
 I did get my capris made :0)
great pattern , good instructions that were easy to follow and a nice fit as well. Now to get some white denim and make another pair, I may even make a pair of jeans out of this pattern as well just comfy easy fitting great to take camping or even the golf course.
That's all for now
stay in stitches