Well it was a busy weekend
the quilt shop and company and lots of eating out........ time to lighten up sew the soup is in the slow cooker.
The quilt show was great . Sew many talented folks out there and sew many quilt to admire. I was not able to get many pics as you needed the quilters permission to take them . ( Monika was able to get a few pics you can link here
My Sweet Prairie, check out her dress,) I did run into one quilter at her quilt. It was a quilt done in crayon, and she recommends Crayola brand and the 64 pack as some patterns name the colors they would like you to use.The quilt features little houses the top left house has a tomato pin cushion garage... cute.
Wendy was there from the Haus of Stitches in the retail area and she had her newsletter there and has a start of the classes for the conference next year. the dates for the conference will be May 25 to June 3 2012. You can check her web site out to get more info at
www.hausofstitches.ca This is the 10 year and there is a great line up of teachers already. It will be a challenge to decide which classes I will take this year. She is also hosting a challenge with a special fabric for all the past class participants.
I did pick up a couple items for myself , a little tabletop quilt holder with a extra topper for the holder as well as a Amy Bradley quilt pattern .
table top stand |
The fellas went off in one direction and we in another looking and shopping, we ran into them a few times and talked about which quilts we liked and why. This time my hubby was drawn to the hand quilting as there sewms to be sew few of them out there. There where just sew many wonderful quilts out there it just get you motiveated to get busy and to create your own works of art.
extra topper |
After we did a little shopping for the guys and had a bit to eat on the way home. The next morning we had some good friends stop by for breakfast..... I thought I had a little more time sew they caught me in the tub. lol Good thing hubby was there to get the door. We had a good visit and we will be seeing Squirt and Todd again next weekend.
Friday night I had thought I would participate in the Friday night sew in but I got started on the carrot pudding ( I changed the recipe up a bit to make it gluten free, it turned out very yummy if I do say sew myself) and that took a little bit of time to get it ready to process in the caner sew the only sewing I managed to get done was a binding on a quilt for a friend.
I have now also started on a couple samples for the Regional College for a class I will be teaching for them in the new year. They thought a easy quilt would be good to get some of the quilter want- to -Be's started, sew we are going to work with the disappearing 9 patch. They students can decide on a table runner or a small quilt , the technique is the same just the number of blocks needed will change and borders .
I may also be teaching some basic sewing for them as well. I will just have to see what will work with out over booking myself.
Then I baked a carrot cake for Hubby, his birthday is today Monday the 24, just have to ice it and all will be ready. (Ran out of icing sugar last night ... must go shopping)
Sew that was part of my weekend in a nut shell sew to speak. Hope you all had a great weekend as well.
Stay in stitches and hugs